Today I'm going to briefly analysis use of sound in advertising. The first advert that I'm going to analyse is :
Burger King - Angus XT
In this advert we can hear a use of 'Diegetic Sound'. Diegetic sound that has a source, it is visible on the screen. Diegetic sound can be either on screen or off screen depending on whatever its source is within the frame or outside the frame. In this advert we can hear a background noise of people talking, which would be a diegetic sound as it is a sound that was recorded in a filming process. However, it may have been added in but it's still a diegetic sound as we can see the source of it. Another diegetic sound that we can hear is a a dialog "mmmmm...!!" which is repeated throughout the advert, it is also possible that they added the sound while editing to make it louder and clearer. Other back ground noise that we can hear is phone ringing, shower, bus. (They are all diegetic sounds) At the end of the advert we can hear a synchronized sound which is a sound that is added on top of the video to tell the information about the product. It is mostly used in dubbing. In the same image we can hear a non-diegetic sound which is added as a backtrack.
Citroen- Orchestra
This advert is an excellent example of 'Contrapuntal sound'. Contrapuntal sound is a sound that works in contrast with the image of the screen. The image that we see on the screen ( which is an orchestra) contrasts with the heavy metal music in the background. You would expect this type of music to be played during orchestra, it doesn't match the image. The sound in this video is also non-diegetic as it was added through the editing process. Non-diegetic sound is an opposite of diegetic sound. It is the sound that world of the film doesn't occur within the world of the film. Later on music continues to play as a non-diegetic sound at the end of the advert. We can see it happens when the image on the screen is changing from orchestra into a car driving. As in the previous advert we can hear a synchronized sound, which has been added over the video to say the dialog.
Persil - Garage Band
One again this advert is using a diegetic sound which then at the end it turns into a non-diegetic sound. Diegetic sound is coming from the garage doors opening and also from the noise of all the instruments. The dialog which is "1,2,3,4.." is also a diegetic sound, as it was recorded in a filming process. This advert is also using a parallel sound, what means that music fits the image on the screen. The music that they decided to play fits the atmosphere of the video. It is turning into a non-diegetic sound as towards the end of the advert the sound is layered on the top of another image. We can also notice that there is a non-diegetic sound at the very end of the advert which could have been added by using editing software. We call it foley session, which is the sound effect are added to a media text afterwords.
Nestle - Yorkie
This advertise has a mixture of different sounds and we can hear it from the very beginning of the advert. At the beginning of the advert we can hear a diegetic sound, which includes birds singing. As the man takes out the all the shopping bags music turns into a non-diegetic, creating a parallel sound which is appropriate with the image. We can also hear a lot foley sounds, such as explosions and sound of a sword. There is still diegetic sound going on in the background, as we can hear a sound of him opening a door and also putting the shopping bags on the floor. This advert is an excellent way of showing how diegetic and non-diegetic sound can work together. At the end of the advert we can still hear a foley sound 'boom'. There is also some synchronized sound going on at the end when there is a voice over of the dialog.
Go Ahead! - Chocolate Thins
In this advert we can mostly hear a diegetic sound such as a sound of hitting the ball and birds singing. There is no music going on for the first half of the advert. Later on we can hear a dialog going on and foley song, which has been edited to exaggerate the sound or add an effect. Then we can hear more non-diegetic sound in the background of the video. It's making every single move of the character exaggerated, as with every move there is a foley sound.