Tuesday 11 February 2014

Art Magazine Feedback


From the conversation that i had with my media teacher I found out that my magazine was looking professional. However, I could have thought more about my target audience as it was a college magazine, maybe my magazine was looking a bit too serious. Also the name of my magazine has already existed, so when i do my actual music magazine i should check carefully if the name of my magazine exists or not. We have also looked at the small things such as, the way that pictures have been cropped. I shouldn't have cropped the top of the head as it wasn't necessary. Also, the artwork that i have used in my magazine, i have to back up that its my own painting/drawing. There are also some mistakes with the layout that i have used, some of the writing could have been bigger/smaller. Also, the writing on my content page could have been more interesting, so it makes the reader wanna read it. Overall, I should have thought more about the layout that I have used, as I had some minor mistakes in case of text layout.

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