Sunday, 22 September 2013

Production, Distribution and Exhibition

File:The Hobbit - The Desolation of Smaug Teaser Poster.jpg

Today I'm going to look at 3 aspects of film industry:
  • Production
  • Distribution
  • Exhibition 
As my example I'm going to use The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug.

PRODUCTION-  The production has 3 different stages:
  •  Pre-production,
  •  Production 
  •  Post-production. 
Pre-production includes research and planning. This is the first stage of film making, film making office would have a team which includes the producer, director, assistants and administrative. It can take from six to two years time and involves planning, writing a script and scheduling shooting. This is very expensive procedure as it involves actors, equipment etc.  In production the stars of the film are the most important. Audience likes to see stars that they recognise because then they are more likely to see the film. In  The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug they used the same cast as they did in previous film of The Hobbit as everyone knows them. Cast will include stars such as Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Orlando Bloom etc.

The production is probably the longest part of film making as it is the process when all the animation, shooting and other elements of production is taking place. Production is known as the most expensive part of film making. It is the actual shooting of the film where everyone is involved. The stars, producer,director, cast, make-up etc. 
In most of the films there are different types of producers such as: producer, co-producer, associate produce etc. All of them are involved in the production differently. The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug is produced and directed by Peter Jackson, with assistant director Carolynne Cunninghma and his partner, Fran Walsh.

Post-Production  is the last stage of production. It involves editing and sound. In The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug, we could say that this part is playing a big role in the whole film as The Hobbits is a Fantasy film. They would use green screen behind a setting and then film editor would use editing software to change it into a 'fantasy' background. Music in the movie is also very important especially in The Hobbit as it is a adventure story.  
Evangeline Lilly plays the elf lady

DISTRIBUTION- Warner Bros. Pictures are distributing The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug, just like did previous films of The Hobbit and The Lord of The Ring.

Distribution is a a process in which film is available for the audience. It allows film to reach public cinemas, DVD and television.  Distribution companies takes on a certain number of titles each year.
They are responsible for many decisions such as:
  • release date
  • how many prints to produce and i which cinema to screen them
  • advertising
  • designing art work for adverts, posters, billboards
  • premiers 
  • press interviews 
"Peter Jackson has provided the first details about the second film in the series at a live event held on 24 March 2013. The access code was attached to the DVD editions of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. The live-broadcast event revealed some plot details; Jackson said that the role of Tauriel, acted by Evangeline Lilly, is a part of the elven guard and a bodyguard of the Elvenking, Thranduil. In addition, he revealed a scene from the film in which Gandalf and Radagast the Brown search for the Necromancer fortress and discover that the Ringwraiths have been released from their graves." This a marketing example of how people got to know about new The Hobbit film.  

Soon we will probably be able to see The Hobbit advertisement everywhere as it a film that everyone is willing to see it. The premiere in the UK will take place on 13th of December. It will most likely be then released on Blu-ray and DVD as previous film. 

EXHIBITION- It is a process of showing a film to the audience, it's mostly refereeing to cinemas as they are the number one option when it comes to big films. Exhibitor will have posters, advertisement, date and times of the screening of films outside their cinema. It is done to draw public attention to their cinema. Exhibitor is selling an experience of  the film. The exhibitor's role is important in promoting locally. 
Also, the trailers often plays in the cinema around six weeks before the release of a film. The trailer is made to raise the awareness of a film. Trailer should be able to create a desire to see the film. In case of The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug, Warner Bros Pictures has already created trailers to attract the audience. 

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