Sunday, 19 January 2014

Art Magazines Research

As my task for this week is to create a college magazine, in today's post I'm going to look at the examples of art college magazines. This will help me with my research and will give me an idea of how a professional magazine cover and content page should look like.
 This will give me an idea of the layout that my magazine should have. I'm going to look at the way that they present themselves and also at the use of pictures. I'll also use them as an inspiration for my final idea.


This is one of examples that I've found. This is a cover of a 'computer arts'. I decided to look at this magazine as it shows a good layer, we can clearly see a name of a magazine. The magazine is very detailed in the information. The use of colours is also very effective as it is eye catching and the writing is readable. The use of colours shows that target audience for this magazine would be teenagers/ young adults. Furthermore, we can tell that it is an art magazine as on the cover we can see a work of an artist that is a main focus of the magazine. The writing on the magazine is also readable as they have their own space around the picture. The font is bold and simple what makes is readable. It also makes the cover page look clean and professional. 


This is another cover done by the same magazine however, this time we can see a different layout. We can see much more information of the cover. Also this time we can see more than a one picture as we can see a main picture of the art work, we can also see a small picture on the left hand side which shows a master shot. The main art work is shown in close up. Furthermore, even that there is so much going on the text is still readable because of the use of  different colours 'bubbles'. This type of layer could work more for a college magazine as it is very informative and it is also very eye catching. However, the layout looks more like content page because of the amount of the information that it has.

By looking at this cover we can see a clear layout, we could call it more 'tradition'. This type of layout is used with most of the 'high class' magazines. We can see a main focus which is a portrait which is showed in close up. However, the over all look of the magazine is quite boring as it doesn't use a lot of colour. The main colour of the font is white what makes the magazine cover look boring and simple. On the other hand, this layer would be perfect for an art college magazine cover as it is informative and clearly shows that the main focus of it, is fine art. We can clearly see a difference between the look of graphic art magazine and fine art magazine. We can see a minimum use of colour as this magazine is targeted at a older audience.


This is a content page from the 'computer arts' magazine. The layout is very simple, we can see pictures on one side and text on the other. We can also see an annotation at the bottom of the pictures, it says where to can find more information. The font style is repeated what creates a clean look.  

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