Monday 28 April 2014

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (more information)

As we already know The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is a fantasy genre film directed by Peter Jackson. It was produced by New Line Cinema and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in 
collaboration with Wingnut Films. It was also distributed by Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is a second film of three part adaptation based on novel The Hobbit written by  J. R. R. Tolkien .

The film starred big names such as :
  • Ian McKellen
  • Martin Freeman
  • Benedict Cumberbatch
  • Orlando Bloom

Those are the actors that have been in the previous The Hobbit film and are recognisable within British audience. This is making sure that film will get it's money back.  

With the big success of The Hobbit we saw an introduction of many The Hobbit games and apps, both for android and ios users.
Here we can see of the app 'The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle-Earth' which has hit top chart on app store. We can also see 'Lego: The Hobbit', game which has been out on ds intendo, x-box, ps3 and pc. It has been made in order to attract the younger audience into the franchise.

Furthermore, 'I see fire' was a song specially written for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug by a British song written and singer Ed Sheeran. This song not only appeared at the end of the film but also entered UK top charts at number 13 and New Zealand at number 1. 
It provided film with an advertisement as the song is giving audience clues about what is going to happen in the actual film. Also, it provided film with wider audience as Ed Sheeran's fans will go to see this film after hearing that he wrote a song about it. The song was released for a digital download on itunes and also to purchase with The Hobbit soundtrack. Official video for this song was released on YouTube at the same day as the song, so everyone had some kind of an access to it.

Friday 4 April 2014

Question 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


Before starting AS media, I wasn't scared of using new technologies as I've used editing software and Photoshop before in previous subjects. The first thing that we have looked at was creating a blog, it wasn't new to me as I had a blog before. I was happy that we are using blog instead of written work, as blog is so much easier and also more effective when it comes to handing in the work. The thing that I really like about blogger is that you can share your work with others. You can also look at others people work from the past so you get the idea of what kind of work you have to produce. Internet contains the information that you can't find in books, its relevant to the industry as more and more information are now publicised on internet. Those information can be updated and changed to fit the changes that the day brings. I've used blogger in the process of producing my magazine for research purposes. By the use of blogger I was able to plan exactly what I want my magazine to look like. On my blog we can find the research of existing magazines and flat plan. It was a necessary research that had to be done in order to come up with my final design of the magazine. Furthermore, I've also used google to do most of my magazine research. By the use of google I was able to find AP magazine which was an inspiration for my music magazine.

Before I've started to create my magazine I started to creating my magazine, I had to find out what should be the name for my music magazine. For that I've used This is a website that allows you to create a questionnaire which everyone can see and answer. The reason that I've used this website is because everyone can give me their answer and opinions. It is a great way to communicate with others as everyone is using internet in their everyday life.

When it comes to creating of my magazine I have used only one main software which is adobe photoshop cs6. I have used this photoshop not only to adjust the look of photographs but also to create my whole magazine. As an art student I was quite comfortable with this task because using photoshop wasn't new to me. 
 I've decided to use photoshop instead of publisher as it give you much more options in terms of changing the looks of the layout and look of my photographs. I was able to adjust the way that my font looked like so there wasn't a need to use or any other font creating website as I found out that it just wasn't needed.  I've used photoshop not only to create a layout but to also add text. I've decided not to use publisher to add columns as it was still possible to do on photoshop.
As I went along with creating my magazine I felt like I've developed my skills as creating my music magazine took me less amount of time than my preliminary task. I had a bigger understanding of the layout and looks. 

Question 6. on PhotoPeach

Sunday 30 March 2014

Question 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

There are many institutions to consider while choose the one that would distribute your magazine. Today we are going to look at some of them. and also which one would be the best for my magazine.

Bauer Verlagsgruppe logo2.svgBauer Media:

One of the institutions that I'm going to look at is Bauer Media.
Bauer Media Group is a multinational media company head-quartered in HamburgGermany which operates in 16 countries worldwide. It's one of Europe‘s leading media companies. 
Since the company was founded in 1875, it has been privately owned and under management by the Bauer family. The Bauer Publishing Group comprises 300 magazines worldwide in 15 countries, as well as TV and radio stations.

I've decided to look at this institution as they are a media group that is also distributing Kerrang! magazine, which is one of the biggest most popular rock magazines in UK. It contains the same type of music as my music magazine The Legacy.

"Kerrang! will ensure that we are constantly appealing to our spectrum of readers. From the younger teenage readers who are more open to different genres of rock music – from EMO to Thrash etc, to the readers who respect Kerrang! as an authority when it comes to our scene’s heritage bands."
This institution is working with mainstream and the most popular magazines all around the world. So I think that Bauer Media would be an ideal distributor for my magazine The Legacy as it is very similar to Kerrang content wide. By having Bauer to distribute my magazine, it would have a chance to become mainstream and it also have a bigger chances to be distributed outside the UK as they are operating in 16 different countries. 

IPC Media:

Another possibility for my magazine distributor could be IPC Media. As it is one of the UK's leading consumer magazine publisher. IPC Media is a  International Publishing Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Time Inc., is a consumer magazine and digital publisher in the United Kingdom, with a large portfolio selling over 350 million copies each year.

"IPC Media is committed to working in partnership with its consumers, advertisers, business partners and employees to deliver exceptional value, service, innovation and creativity"

I've decided to consider IPC institution as they are publishing a music magazine NME. I think that the look of my magazine is very similar to the look of NME. However, NME is not focusing on one specific genre of music what IPC like about it as it has a wide target audience. My magazine is very specific about its content. 

IPC Media is dealing with some of the most successful magazines in UK so it would a great distribution if I wanted to make my product mainstream. The reason why IPC decided to distribute NME is because of it's wide range in case of genre of the music that they are writing about. So its obvious that this magazine would bring an income for the institution. However, as we know my magazine is very specific so they might not be interested in distribution of my magazine.  
That's why I think that Bauer will be the best option for my magazine. 
As Bauer has already distributed Kerrang!, this is a clean indication that it would distribute magazine such as The Legacy.