Friday 28 March 2014

Denotation and Connotation

In today's post we are going to look at denotation and connotation of the front cover of AP magazine.
Denotation means what we can see and connotation means, what it suggests.

  • We can a title of the magazine at the top of the cover in which we can see a number of a issue.
  • Furthermore we can see a subtitle 'Paramore' in a bold font style and above it a quote "We gotta keep this thing alive". -Underneath we and also see a slogan 'INSIDE THE STRUGGLE TO MAKE THEIR BEST ALBUM YET'
  • Under that we can see 'PLUS' with other bands names written in a smaller serif font style.
  • We can see that both AP title and subtitle Paramore is in the same colour.
  • On the bottom of the page we can see names of different artists in white, smaller font.
  • When it comes to the image we can see a group shot of two guys and one girl in the middle.
  • The girl has a dark edgy make up and bright orange hair, while other guys look more casual.

  • By looking at the cover of this magazine, the first thing that we can see is "Paramore". It suggests that they are the main focus is around this band. The use of big, bold font may also signify their popularity.
  • The girl in the middle suggests that she is a main person in a band, lead singer. She stands out because of her hair colour and the dark make up. Her dark make up shows that she is a rock singer.
  • By placing other members in the back we can suggest that they are less important.
  • The use of small font on the bottom of the page while listing band suggests that they are smaller or that they are not important.
  • The title of the magazine is in bold large font to make is stand out. Also, blue was used to show connection between the main band and the magazine. 
  • On the bottom of the page we can see a red strip with a yellow text 'EXCLUSIVE POSTERS INSIDE'. Yellow text has been chosen to stand out in red background.
  • On the top of the page we can see list of different articles that are also included in the magazine.


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